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Watch: Biden Visits Pennsylvania Gas Station, Customers Ignore Him

Joe Biden had quite the day on Wednesday, and that’s saying something for the often-confused president. Traveling to Pennsylvania to once again pander to the “working class” he has no actual connection to, he decided to tell a made-up story about his uncle supposedly being eaten by cannibals.

Yes, we are at the point where he’s now slandering people from Papa New Guinea in his pursuit of clout. The reverse Forrest Gump strikes again.

The president also let his senility get the best of him while attempting to throw Israel under the bus again.

In a mind-numbing pronouncement, Biden claimed that he told Israel “Don’t move on Haifa.” There’s just one problem. Haifa is an Israeli city in the northern portion of the country, nowhere near Gaza.

That wasn’t the end of it, though. Biden then showed up at a gas station in what can only be described as a painfully awkward and highly concerning visit.


Walking in flanked by Secret Service agents, no one seems especially impressed to see Biden. There’s no large crowd and no one expressing support like you see when Donald Trump visits a public establishment. After slowly meandering to the counter, the president does manage to get one person to take a selfie with him while everyone else just stands around. He then just turns around and walks out. The entire visit took around two minutes.

As a political matter, this was a box-checking exercise and an ill-advised one at that. The contrast being drawn with Trump is not a good one, and I don’t just mean the lack of enthusiasm because what sticks out the most in that video is just how weak and feeble Biden is.

  • Evy Lysk says:

    I would have gotten close as I could and say,”Joey, you’re doing a lousy job as president. I’m voting for Trump, and I can’t wait.

  • Loring says:

    He couldn’t fill a small parking lot during his previous run for president. He should just stay in his basement and cheat. That’s how he ran last time!



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