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‘Architect’ of Trump-Ye Dinner Vowed in 2020 to “Burn Republican Party to F**king Ground”

Two days before Thanksgiving President Trump sat down for dinner with his supporter and friend Kanye “Ye” West at his Mar-a-Lago home.

The story has made headlines since it was revealed that Ye brought with him Milo Yiannopolis and Nick Fuentes.

On Tuesday NBC News reported that Milo Yiannopolous was the “architect” of the plan to include Fuentes at the dinner. Milo admitted to this in several statements since the dinner at Mar-a-Lago.

Milo said he wanted to “send a message” to Trump.

Raw Story reported:

Two days before Thanksgiving, former President Donald Trump sat down to a dinner with rapper Kanye West (also known as “Ye”) at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, but he allegedly didn’t expect West to bring along white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. According to NBC News, Trump likely walked into a trap that was intentionally set up for him…

…Infamous right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos told NBC News that he was “the architect” of the plan to have Fuentes show up to dinner with Trump.

“I wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with,” Yiannopoulos told NBC News.

“I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end,” he added.

Via LGBTQnation:

Milo was screaming his outrage over the Supreme Court decision after it was announced. The religious right and MAGA supporters have long argued that they could tolerate Trump’s boorish behavior in exchange for the chance to stock the courts with right-wing extremists.

“BURN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO THE FUCKING GROUND,” Milo said, seemingly unaware that 117 members of Congress – including Majority Leader XYZ – and state attorneys general publicly supported the lawsuit.

“Trump’s SCOTUS appointments were pointless. We defended a selfish clown for nothing.”

“I lost everything helping to put Trump in office,” he continued. “My life and career were completely destroyed. Was it worth it? No. I feel utterly betrayed.”

“I will have vengeance.”

  • Kathy Grant says:

    I wish President Trump would have asked those vile people to leave! If that is the kind of “friend” Kanye is then he doesn’t need him!! He was the best President we have had in recent years! He STOPPED the One World Order! He MADE the other countries pay their fair share! The left continues to ruin this country!! Our country has to get COURAGE AND FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM!!

  • Sam says:

    West, Fuentes and Yiannopolis are 3 loads their mothers should have swallowed. Useless POS’s.



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