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Anheuser-Busch CEO Launches New Plan to Save Bud Light

Bud Light has been dethroned as the king of beers. It held the crown for years and let it slip away in less than three months. We’re all Modelos now. But the epic collapse of the brand was comically avoidable. Don’t sacrifice your enormous customer base in the hopes that less than three percent of transgenders could compensate for the losses. They won’t—they never will.

The marketing executives who pushed this, aiming to achieve a less “fratty” appearance, have been taking leaves of absence following this fiasco. The beer is now a punchline, and no one is drinking it. Over Memorial Day, Bud Light virtually gave away its product for free. It’s a marketing blood bath that finally spurred a response from its CEO, who said he “heard” the customer feedback but stopped short of apologizing for the disastrous marketing move to partner with Dylan Mulvaney, the biological male who is feigning womanhood (via Fox Business):

Anheuser-Busch CEO Brandan Whitworth has released a message telling consumers “we hear you,” as sales of the beer giant’s Bud Light brand continue to slide following a partnership with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney.

In a post titled “Anheuser-Busch Announces Support For Frontline Employees And Wholesaler Partners,” Whitworth said, “We recognize that over the last two months, the discussion surrounding our company and Bud Light has moved away from beer, and this has impacted our consumers, our business partners, and our employees.”

“We are a beer company, and beer is for everyone,” he continued.

Whitworth announced “three important actions” to move the company forward, including “investing to protect the jobs of our frontline employees” and “providing financial assistance to our independent wholesalers to help them support their employees.”

“Third, to all our valued consumers, we hear you. Our summer advertising launches next week, and you can look forward to Bud Light reinforcing what you’ve always loved about our brand – that it’s easy to drink and easy to enjoy,” Whitworth also said.

He vowed that “As we move forward, we will focus on what we do best — brewing great beer and earning our place in moments that matter to you.”

You have to know your audience, and I feel like the executives at Bud Light knew them but decided to take their brand for a spin on the woke side of town and got wrecked for it. Last, I hate to give props to these people, but this is how conservatives should respond when they face a woke mob.

Anthony Bass, formerly the pitcher of the Toronto Blue Jays, shared an Instagram story supporting the boycotts of Bud Light and Target. He apologized and was later cut by the team. Never apologize—the left gets it. And no, I’m not saying the Bud Light boycott is mob mentality, just that the act of contrition in these cultural fights reaps zero rewards.

  • GI Bride says:

    What it so stupid about a lot of this woke crap. Is that women outnumber men 3 to 1 so, in the good Lords name why would men want to date or have sex with another man pretending to be a Woman. When they have a Buffet laid out for them to pick from????????????????

  • andrew says:

    he “heard” the customers – problem is he didn’t listen to the customer. He still has the person on payroll, he has doubled down the the rainbow support, and most likely believes that give it 6 months and everything will be back to normal. InBev is so big that they really don’t care about the financials of one brand.



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