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IRS Training Video Shows Armed Agents How to Raid Middle-Class Homes

The Internal Revenue Service raised concerns among taxpayers earlier this week with a job posting that sought agents who were able to “carry a firearm” and were “willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”

As investigator Ford Fischer uncovered: “The IRS is hiring new special agents! Requirements include working min ’50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends’ and ‘Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.’”

The job posting was subsequently deleted, but the damage was already done: Middle-class taxpayers who were apprehensive about the prospect of 87,000 new IRS agents targeting them for (politically motivated) audits were even more disturbed by the thought of armed agents busting down their doors, followed by intrusive ‘audits.’

The IRS, incidentally, still has a job description that corroborates the thrust of the deleted job posting.

Here is a closer look at such armed IRS agents and what they do:

It is in such a furnace of churning tensions over the federal government’s overreach that images from an IRS training video for armed agents has surfaced. A Valiant News report, which comes to us via Rebel News, shows such images from a 2021 IRS Annual report that should disturb all taxpayers.

There is currently no public access to IRS training videos, but the report includes a number of photographs of armed IRS-CI special agents that show how they would raid suburban homes.

“It also provides physical fitness conditioning and use of force training, which includes firearms, weaponless tactics, and building entry,” the annual report reads.

The 2021 IRS annual report, which is publicly available, shows agents at the National Criminal Investigation Training Academy (NCITA) in Brunswick, Georgia, training for tactical raids in suburban environments.

The IRS-CI agents ran through a number of lethal force exercises, as well as weaponless tactics, and forced entry into buildings.

House Democrats on Friday night did little to allay their concerns by blocking consideration of amendment to prevent the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents, who are expected to begin mass audits of middle-class Americans.

Democrats intend to provide $80 billion in funding to the IRS, hire around 87,000 new agency staff, including auditors and enforcement officers. Of the additional funding, $45.6 billion of that sum is specifically designated for IRS “enforcement.” Of the 87,000 IRS agents, approximately 4,000 would be armed agents for the Criminal Investigations division.

The IRS budget would increase six-fold to undertake the Democrats’ raids of American taxpayer funds to finance ‘green kickbacks’ and other socialist grifter schemes. A virtual army of IRS auditors and agents are about to be unleashed on the American people — one larger than the British army to boot.

While the IRS’ defenders in the “left-wing” media claim that this is an overreaction to the Democrats’ funding increase, there are a few counterpoints to make. First, it is a fact that the IRS has a track record of targeting lower-class Americans, particularly in red counties and in red states.

“You would think that the IRS, in an effort to bring in more money, would focus primarily on auditing wealthy taxpayers,” Vox states. “But as ProPublica’s Paul Kiel and Jesse Eisinger found in an incredible, disturbing piece from late last year, recipients of the earned income tax credit (EITC) — one of the US’s biggest anti-poverty programs, aimed almost exclusively at the working poor — were twice as likely to be audited as people earning $200,000 to $500,000.”

A map was provided to show “where the IRS audits more.” However, while Vox attempts to twist the map into showing how minorities were being targeted, the map is strikingly clear about where the IRS focuses its efforts.

These are red counties in deep red areas. Deep blue areas such as San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. have low levels of audits versus the national average, despite being heavily populated with minorities.

The American people are right to be wary of the Democrats’ sudden interest in increasing the IRS’ funding so drastically. If their track record of weaponizing the FBI is indication, it is a recipe that is rife for political abuse.

The IRS has abused its power before to politically target the Democratic Party’s opponents. In 2017, the IRS apologized to conservative and tea party groups it had targeted under former President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

“In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge’s approval, the IRS ‘expresses its sincere apology’ for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status,” NPR reported.

“And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a ‘substantial financial settlement’ with the government,” the report added.

If there is any consolation for the Democrats weaponizing the federal government against their political enemies throughout the United States, it is that the judicial branch is poised to issue a legal reckoning. And if the Republican Party takes power back in the Congress, there will be two branches of governments out of the Democratic Party’s hands that can begin to restore some semblance of constitutional normalcy to the U.S. political system.

  • BarbUltraMaga says:

    Conservative numbers are 4500 guns & 5m rounds of ammo. That is a militarized organization. This reeks Obama.

  • zee says:

    Of the 87,000 IRS agents, approximately 4,000 would be armed agents for the Criminal Investigations division.



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