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‘Squad’ Democrat Suffers Crushing Defeat in Congressional Primary

U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) — one of the most far-left representatives in Congress and member of the Progressive Caucus — has lost his primary election to a moderate challenger.

George Latimer, a Westchester County executive, defeated Bowman after a contentious primary race that has widely been viewed as a fight between ideological factions of the Democratic Party. Bowman had aligned himself with the “ceasefire now” movement, which calls for an end to hostilities in the Gaza Strip and accuses Israel of being complicit in genocide.

Millions of dollars poured into the race from both inside and outside the district, making it the most expensive House primary in history.

According to an analysis from ad tracking firm AdImpact, more than $25 million was spent overall. Roughly $15 million came from the United Democracy Project, a super PAC linked to the powerful pro-Israel lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which backed Latimer.

Bowman had also aligned himself closely with the party’s progressive wing on a host of additional issues. Last weekend, the embattled congressman was joined by New York colleague Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for a rally in support of his candidacy.

The effort ultimately failed to make a difference, however, as the race was called for Latimer less than two hours after polls closed.

Bowman had also been battling a number of scandals, the most notable being the time he was criminally charged for pulling a fire alarm ahead of a key congressional vote on a budget resolution. He claimed that he thought pulling the alarm would open a door and ultimately forced an evacuation of the Cannon Building on Capitol Hill.

Bowman ultimately escaped with a slap on the wrist after writing an apology essay.

The New York congressman was also accused of numerous instances of plagiarism throughout his academic career.

As the Democratic nominee, Latimer will almost certainly be the next congressman from New York’s 16th district, which is located north of Manhattan. President Biden carried the district by 45 percentage points in 2020.

With the loss, Bowman becomes the first member of “the squad” to be successfully primaries this cycle. Other squad Democrats, including Reps. Summer Lee (D-PA) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), have been targeted with primary challenges but managed to survive.

  • George Nowacki says:

    Well, well. The hip-hop congressman indeed. So long ass clown. Plenty of time now to bone up on your alarm pulling skills. Maybe if AOC had shown her tits while she was up there showing her ass she could have pulled in more support for your cause.
    Gotta love it when 2 numb skulls like that demean and humiliate themselves in public for your benefit and entertainment.



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