Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” recently made disgusting allegations against Laura Loomer and President Trump, claiming that Loomer, 31, “looks like his...
A small-town bakery in a key swing state is using cookies to add extra sweetness and competition to the upcoming presidential election. Lochel’s Bakery...
The Michigan Court of Claims has ruled in favor of independent presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West, a far-left academic and political activist, in his...
Grieving Gold Star parents tore into the Biden-Harris administration Monday as the nation marked three years since the terrorist attack at Afghanistan’s Kabul airport...
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) skewered ABC News host Jonathan Karl during an interview on Sunday over false remarks that he made about Democratic presidential...
A Fox anchor has been arrested for possessing and distributing child pornography. Matt Vereen, 28, a weekend anchor and sports reporter for the network’s...