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Trump Enters Landslide-Victory Territory in Blowout New Rasmussen Poll

The more opponents he faces, the bigger former President Donald Trump’s margin over President Joe Biden becomes.

That’s the bottom line of a new Rasmussen Reports poll that says if likely voters are as enthusiastic when it is time to vote as they were June 20 when the poll was taken, Trump could hit landslide territory with a double-digit victory over Biden.

The last president to have a double-digit margin over his opponent was former President Ronald Reagan in 1984, when he had an 18.2 percent edge over Democrat Walter Mondale in the popular vote, according to the American Presidency Project.

The Rasmussen poll said in a two-man race, Trump would beat Biden 49 percent to 40 percent.

When Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornell West were added, Trump had a 10-point lead over Biden, 46 percent to 36 percent.

The poll had a margin of error of three percentage points.

Although a recent Fox News poll of registered voters gave Biden a two-point margin, the poll also noted that when it came time for voters who were “extremely” motivated to show their preference, Trump had a three-point lead.

On Saturday, Trump appeared at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s annual Road to Majority conference and urged attendees to vote, according to NBC.

“The evangelicals and the Christians, they don’t vote as much as they should. I don’t know if you know that,” Trump said,

“You know they go to church every Sunday, but they don’t vote, and we have to make sure they vote just this time, because all you have to do is this time,” he said.

“You don’t have to vote in four years, but you have to vote this time,” he said, according to Fox News.

But Trump grew serious when speaking of the oppression that targeted Christians during the pandemic.

“Never again will the federal government be used to target Americans of faith,” Trump said.

Referencing the court cases against him, Trump noted, “They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom.”

Attendees applauded when Trump promised the “largest deportation operation in American history” would begin the day he takes office.

Trump called Biden “crooked,” a “Marxist,” “incompetent” and “a threat to democracy,” according to NBC.

“We need Christian voters to turn out and the largest numbers ever to tell crooked Joe Biden, ‘You’re fired. You’re fired, Joe. Get out of here,’” Trump said.

  • southersgolfer says:

    I hope that when the election comes, the people come out in droves and vote republican and destroy the Democrat party after what they did to America.

  • Sam says:

    Sorry typo. What would anyone expect from someone calling themselves Adam from CA.

  • Jack in the Box says:

    People of America, it’s time to unite and remove the demo(ni)cratic party and put all these fake politicians behind bars in Gitmo! The demo(ni)crats have their hands way deep into human trafficking and murders of opponents of their candidates in elections the last 40 years!
    It’s time you wake up and realize that no demo(ni)crat will EVER fight for your freedom of speech and personal freedom! The FBI and CIA are both under the hands of Biden, and Obama is pulling the strings!
    Get down on your knees and pray that Trump will walk the floors of the White House again after the November election, if not, Americans have signed their own death sentence by voting for Biden!

    • Snicker says:

      Every Dumbocrat needs to be voted out. Every last one of them have allowed FJB to do all he has done!!! Democrats are the party of the rich, Republicans are for the working people now (except for the RINOS).

  • BIBI says:

    Biden is a dictator he now wants to take over your bank accounts and destroy you of all personal belongings and take away from the elderly you need to get out vote early TRUMP 20/24

  • Ron C says:

    Polls are not worth the time they take to take them! After all they always favor who the pollsters favor !



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