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Michelle Obama’s Potential Move to Shake Up 2024 Presidential Race

New York Post columnist Cindy Adams warned in a piece published Wednesday that Americans shouldn’t be shocked if Michelle Obama “sneaks her way into the 2024 race.”

“Plans are to grab Michelle for the Democratic presidency choice. Making the music is Barack the orchestra leader,” Adams wrote. “The Obamas are now nudging to force SloMo Joe to go. Drop out. It’s like who else is there?”

Adams said President Biden won’t debate and said the Obama drum beat has gotten “louder.”

“A Joe flop-out offers probability Michelle could wiggle in. Obama’s negotiating to make that happen,” she added.

Adams cited a recent media appearance by Michelle Obama.

The former first lady recently revealed she was “terrified” Donald Trump might win in 2024 during an interview on Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose” podcast.

“Those are the things that keep me up, because you don’t have control over them. And you wonder, where are we in this? Where are our hearts? What’s gonna happen in this next election?” Obama asked. “I am terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted.”

Former President Obama has also voiced concern over Biden’s poll numbers.

The Wall Street Journal reported in December that Obama is among those on the left who fear a return of Trump to the presidency.

Obama “knows this is going to be a close race” and “feels that Democrats very well could lose,” the report stated, noting the information came from a person “familiar with his [Obama’s] thinking.”

The former president also reportedly worries that the alternative to Biden on the Republican side would be “pretty dangerous for democracy.”

The Washington Post reported recently that President Obama has expressed concern over the structure of Biden’s campaign, and became “animated” during a discussion about the election with Biden.

“Obama has raised questions about the structure of President Biden’s re-election campaign, discussing the matter directly with Biden and telling the president’s aides and allies the campaign needs to be empowered to make decisions without clearing them with the White House,” the outlet reported.

  • Sandidad says:

    I pray the Obamas don’t occupy the white house again. Will Obama’s senior advisor, communist, Iranian Valerie Jarrett live in the white with them again? I’m sure she advised Obama to aid and abet Iran with billions of our tax dollars during his first 8 years in office. Barack Obama’s racist rhetoric of pitting blacks against whites and our police is what got us into the racial division we are in today. Will the Obamas travel the world criticizing America, mocking Christianity, and praising Islam again? Will the Obamas finish destroying our military by appointing additional DEI/WOKE generals? Will spineless RINOs take sides with the Obamas and betray President Trump? We all know the communist MSM will cheer for the Obamas 24/7/365 and crucify President Trump.

    God Bless America with President Trump, again, and MAGA.

  • Robert says:

    America’s political election system has become bargaining chip for Obama and other democrats radicals to pervert to continue their destruction of American culture and waybof life. Forcing mass migration of Muslims from terroist countries to cross our borders for cheap votes and house servants. Flooding election with several candidates to dilute vote count from conservative who want change now.

  • Well, I propose someone making Blue Penis hats, …just like the Pink Feminists vagina hats. This could be fun!

  • Pinks says:

    God help us all, fuck that stupid bitch. She hates America more than her husband.

  • Auntie Vyris® says:

    Folks, this WILL happen. Moosh will run. The next few months and years are gonna be hard.

    No, she’s really not a man. Stop it. It doesn’t help.



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