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Jill Biden Blasted Online After Post-Debate Remarks: ‘The Worst Human on the Planet’

First lady Jill Biden faced backlash online Thursday night after remarks that she made following her husband’s widely criticized performance against former President Donald Trump during CNN’s presidential debate.

The remarks come after video was captured showing her rushing on stage to help President Joe Biden walk off following the debate.

“Joe, you did such a great job,” she claimed.

“You answered every question, you knew all the facts.”

“And let me ask the crowd, what did Trump do?” she squealed. “Lie! Yes.”


Douglas Brinkley, author of “The Unfinished Presidency,” told CBS News’ “Face The Nation” earlier this year that Jill Biden has done the exact opposite of what other first ladies who have convinced their husbands not to run for re-election.

“That’s not the case with Jill Biden. She likes power. She wants to stay. She wants some sense of revenge,” he said. “The idea of relinquishing it all after you’ve taken the slings and arrows of the last years of attacks, and at the last minute, just when you get all the delegates you’re going to say, I’m going to open it up to a bunch of people — it’s very childish when you read those kind of reports.”

Online, Jill Biden faced intense criticism for her remarks and support for her husband running for a second term.

“I have no respect for Jill Biden,” said commentator Lisa Boothe. “Encouraging your husband to embarrass himself like this is not love.”

Political pundit Jon Gabriel posted on X: “It was elder abuse in 2020. These days, it’s ghoulish.”

Former CIA Officer Bryan Dean Wright, who now hosts a podcast, posted: “Jill Biden is, arguably, the worst human on the planet. She knows how bad it is. Joe is sick. And she doesn’t care — about him, or the nation.”

Former ESPN host Sage Steele wrote: “Shame on Jill Biden for allowing this to go on for so very long. Shameful actions as a wife. Shameful actions as a human being.”

“Jill Biden is a vile elder abuser,” added commentator Tomi Lahren.

  • Rose Terry says:

    As a Conservative Republican, I get my news from unbiased sources, we had heard and scene video clips that had been deliberately censured by liberal media source likes MSNBC. These were way back in 2019, that were evidence of Joe Biden’s mental deterioration evidenced by frequent gaffs and limited speech. They succeeded in covering it up well enough for him to be given the Presidency in 2020. And they reversed course by a continual onslaught of President Trump and masterfully doing character assassinations which were lies but also successful. People bought all this hook, line, and sinker. I might add, millions of us have since 2020, been praying to our God that He would open their eyes and that justice would be served, and the lies would be exposed. And guess what? Our God is the real. God because it is happening right now before everyone’s eyes! IN REAL TIME! You’ve been crucifying the wrong man!

  • Russ says:

    Jill is a disgusting, lying piece of shit. Instead of looking out for her husband she is looking out for herself. She has a severe mental disorder. She has an all encompassing need to be someone(FLOTUS). Retire and enjoy the time you have left with the spoils from 50 years of selling our country out to China.

  • MEM says:

    Jill Biden is running her husband’s presidency behind the scenes as evidenced by the close dealings with Randy Weingarten and the DOE-. It was likely JillBidens relationship with the education dept that facilitates masks for kids and keeping schools closed for so long -so teachers could work from home and get paid! Jill Biden is loving the power and doesn’t want to give that up. The way she carried on after debate night with the microphone while Joe stood off in the sidelines speaks volumes.

  • k says:

    Jill, power hunger adulteress wants her cake & eat it too~ the whole family needs to be “AUDITED, “FREEZE” all assets, real estate & accts & a thorough “INVESTIGATION” including all those shell companies, foreign monies etc…

  • Quasimodo 2020 says:

    I might agree if it were any other elderly person but joe biden deserves every bit of abuse he is getting, biden is a vile corrupt humanbeing that showered nude with his teen aged daughter, supplied money for drugs and prostitues for his son. I find no way in hell does that evil man deserve a drop of pitty period, jill could make him go to the debate dressed in nothing but a diaper and a pacifier in his mouth and I would still not be able to muster a drop of pity for him.



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