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Two Thugs Brutally Beat Helpless Chipotle Employee Over Paying Extra for Chicken

Video footage has surfaced showing the moment a helpless Chipotle employee was brutally beaten by two portly thugs over a food dispute earlier this month, and police are searching for the suspects responsible.

Lancaster County Police on Friday announced they identified 36-year-old Jamel Bernard Williams and 34-year-old Kayla Nicole Pyle as two of the individuals responsible for the horrific attack and have issued arrest warrants. A teen boy was also involved but remains unidentified.

Both Williams and Pyle are from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Queen City News reported Friday that the horrifying encounter occurred just after 9 p.m. ET on December 10 at the Chipotle located at 10092 Charlotte Hwy. (U.S. 521) in Indian Land.

The outlet revealed that Pyle had entered the restaurant and placed an order, reportedly asking for extra chicken. When the employee taking her order informed her the extra chicken would come at an additional cost, Pyle started arguing with her.

After the dispute, the Lancaster County Sheriff’s office reported that the young employee decided to end her shift after calling her mother, who told her to leave Chipotle and head home. But just as she was headed to the door, Williams entered from the other side of the restaurant and charged her.

Queen City News reports Williams, who is 6’3 and weighs 300 pounds, pushed the employee to the floor and began to brutally beat her while yanking her hair.


Police said Pyle then joined in and smacked around the defenseless employee as well. The teen boy pulled and grabbed her to the point where she could no longer defend herself. Pyle then hit the employee again while still yanking her hair.

The vicious beatdown concluded with the Chipotle employee being grabbed by the hair and body-slammed onto the dining room floor. The two adult thugs fled the scene in a gray 2020-2021 Dodge Charger SRT with the unidentified male teenager.

The relationship between Williams, Pyle, and the juvenile is unknown.

The employee suffered a broken left hand from the assault but refused treatment at the scene. Queen City News reports she was then encouraged by her mother, the store manager, and responding deputies to seek treatment at the hospital.

Williams has been charged with 1st-degree assault and battery, while Pyle is charged with assault and battery in the second-degree.

  • terry says:

    Portly thugs who happen to be grossly obese thugs and Black.

  • Louis Galmarini says:

    It has been 400 years since they were brought to this country, (sold by their tribal elders through auction). It’s been 160 years since they were freed by a Republican President, (Abraham Lincoln). It’s been almost 60 years since they were granted complete equal rights. On top of that, they’ve enjoyed more “racial privileges” than any other race, including numerous “entitlements” such as FREE education, FREE housing, FREE food, FREE clothing, FREE health care, and FREE employment.
    Sidenote: Compliments of Affirmative Action, (which has been ‘law’ since 1975), if the applicant is a minority, many times they’re automatically hired to a position to fill a minority ‘quota’ mandated by the federal government, which states a company must have a minimum %age of minorities hired in contrast to the total work force. They are hired, even though (in many cases), their lack of education and/or experience, (which is many times – zero), is not even considered, and they are hired over more qualified individuals. This totally flies in the face of common sense and good, standard business practices. So, why would an employer do this? If they don’t comply by the ‘law’, they will experience a stiff fine, possible bad PR fall-out, and/or possible shut down of the company.

    Again, this has been the ‘law’ which has permeated ALL segments of corporate America since 1975. Result? Corporate America, from huge corporations down to small ‘mom & pop’ businesses have suffered exponentially. Minorities being placed in middle and upper-management positions w/o the education/experience has decimated many corporations…and it continues…
    In the safety sectors, (fire, police, EMS, medical), minorities are given extra points on hiring tests, and/or moved to the top of list(s) for ‘consideration’ for promotions. The result of Affirmative Action in this sector is not only poor management – it’s dangerous, and many people have died through the years accordingly.

    However, I digress…

    The institution of ‘work’ is usually never even considered, given they can exist (very comfortably) on everything which is now GIVEN to them by the wonderful bleeding hearted vote stealers of our government. Unfortunately, being given EVERYTHING needed to live isn’t enough for many blacks. Therefore, since they don’t have to work for a living, (and have all the time in the world), they commit felony crime to get whatever it is they want, (and that they don’t have). Hence: They’ll rob you in broad daylight at the subway station, commit armed robbery at the local convenience store, and break into your grandparents’ house, beating them (to death), and taking everything they worked their entire lives for – just so they can have drug money for the day. Wonderful…

    Additionally, we all now are forced to ‘celebrate’ blacks. They have all-inclusive black college’s, special holidays, and an entire month that pays special tribute to their race…and STILL, they have refused to assimilate into our culture/society each day. But instead, chose to continue playing the ‘victim’, (read: ‘Weez bein’ oppressed! Weez bein’ oppressed!”). Nothing seems to help these people. Why? Because although there are (literally) HUNDREDS of governmental agencies and charities attempting to help them – THEY REFUSE TO HELP THEMSELVES, thus are perpetual ‘victims’ forever – OF THEIR OWN CAUSING. They are the only culture on the planet that seems incapable of improving their quality of life. I feel sorry for the very small percentage that have assimilated into our culture successfully. These are the ‘black people’ who are my friends and neighbors. As for the rest of them, I’m sorry, but they’re just not like us and they NEVER will be. I refer to the rest of these ‘people’ as– NIGGERS.

    FACT: Although blacks don’t make up 13% of the entire U.S. population, (actual, 12.74%), they account and are responsible for, (no less than), 71% of ALL crime. (Think about that for just a second). That’s taken right from the front page of the DOJ website.

    Some snakes are deadly, others are harmless. In the wild, all snakes are avoided because it’s nearly impossible to differentiate between them. The same holds true with what I call – ‘the 13%’. I avoid them as much as possible because I don’t feel safe around them. If you don’t believe that’s a fair statement of assessment, consider this: The propensity towards violence that black people display is not cultural – it’s genetics. It’s in their genes/DNA. In other words, they’re ‘wired’ like this from birth – and there is NOTHING a civilized society can do (other than w/ proper medication), to protect themselves from such individuals. It’s an inheritance from their ancestors. African tribes eternally fighting w/ each other for HUNDREDS of years w/ no governance, no civility, and no peace. Result? You can’t go anywhere, (fast-food restaurant, carnival, or to just get a free bag of chips with my 10-year-old granddaughter), without some incident ensuing if they’re present. Why is this? Because they have no ‘skin in the game’ to speak of. No self-worth nor purpose in life. Just the propensity for violence, which is triggered w/ the least resistance to anything they feel they’re ‘entitled’ to, (which is – EVERYTHING). In addition, (and compliments of our government who coddles and strokes these animals), they’re aware they will experience (almost) no negative consequences for ANYTHING they do/say, but which results in huge negative consequences for others. All compliments of the Democrats who break EVERYTHING they touch. So much for all their awesome programs to make things “better”.

    Over one-and-a-half centuries since emancipation, trillions of dollars of free stuff, and over half-a-century of UNCONSTITUTIONAL Affirmative Action, equates that the most expensive experiment in history is a complete and utter failure. Initially, Affirmative Action was sold as a ten-year diversion from our Constitution; it’s now been SIXTY years. No matter how long or how hard we (try to) pound the square peg into the round hole, it is NOT going to fit. The experiment has failed…PERIOD. Apart from a small minority who have assimilated to a civilized culture, the majority have remained feral. It is long past time to stop fooling ourselves into thinking that all our tried and failed programs will correct this, as the evidence overwhelmingly shows – it will not.

    Reparations? How about a one-way airfare back to Africa. Throw in a Louis Vuitton purse, a carbon fiber spear, a chucking manual, a mud hut blueprint, and a heartfelt KICK IN THE ASS – DONE! There they can continue killing each other daily, (as they do now), and we can live in relative peace.


    More correctly, we also have a problem with the political party enabling and promoting this Third World chaos and anarchy. Bottom line? As my Father told me long ago: There are TRULY only two things you can do w/ animals – cage ‘em or kill ‘em. DONE!

    • Alice J.C. says:

      I agree with everything that you said, except for one thing; the idea that it’s in their genes so somehow they can’t help it. There are too many decent blacks for that to be true. But too many, especially in America where thugs are coddled, are brought up with the convenient victim mentality because it’s easier to demand free stuff than to actually have to earn it. That can effect a person of any race if that’s all that they were brought up with. The blacks were politically targeted especially by the Demorats (Party of pro-slavery) as a way of slow genocide, which was exactly Margaret Sanger’s motive, and this thug mentality was cleverly cultivated so that now we are witnessing a break-down of civility and self-responsibility. Many blacks are disgusted by this behavior and are the true victims of the degenerate fall-out of the ghetto mentality of other blacks. When each person is standing before God in judgement, they will not be able to use “their genes” as an excuse. God does not play games, and He does not follow trends or fads.

  • Blackwidow says:

    Black on black piglets fighting for chicken.



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