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House Majority Leader Steve Scalise Reveals Cancer Diagnosis

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) revealed on Tuesday morning that he was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, what he calls “a very treatable blood cancer.”

“After a few days of not feeling like myself this past week, I had some blood work done,” Scalise posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday morning. “The results uncovered some irregularities and after undergoing additional tests, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a very treatable blood cancer.”

Scalise says he has “now begun treatment, which will continue for the next several months.” While undergoing treatment, he said that he expects to continue working and intends to “return to Washington, continuing my work as Majority Leader and serving the people of Louisiana’s First Congressional District.”

“I am incredibly grateful we were able to detect this early and that this cancer is treatable,” Scalise added. “I am thankful for my excellent medical team, and with the help of God, support of my family, friends, colleagues, and constituents, I will tackle this with the same strength and energy as I have tackled past challenges,” he said.

In a statement on Tuesday, House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said there “is no stronger fighter” than Scalise who is “as tough and kind as they come, and he has beaten so many unbeatable odds.”

“The Legend from Louisiana is beloved by his colleagues and America and we know he will fight this next battle with that same resolve,” Stefanik added. “We are proud to stand by to support Steve and his family as they embrace strength and faith in this next challenge.”

Other House lawmakers shared support and well-wishes for their colleagues after Scalise revealed his diagnosis:

“Nobody is as prepared as Steve Scalise is to take on this new trial, and win,” remarked Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO). “With his faith in God, the love of his life Jennifer at his side, and his children and loving family there to support him, I know Steve will fight through this and come out stronger and more purpose driven than before.”

  • Redflash says:

    Note, many of the fireman that fought the fires at the trade center also came down with MM from beathing all the burning material.

  • Gramm says:

    I have MGUS (short for Multiple Myeloma) and it wasn’t from being jabbed. Why does everything have to be attributed to Covid? Just plain stupidity to think so.



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