Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” recently made disgusting allegations against Laura Loomer and President Trump, claiming that Loomer, 31, “looks like his...
A small-town bakery in a key swing state is using cookies to add extra sweetness and competition to the upcoming presidential election. Lochel’s Bakery...
A judge dismissed two criminal counts in the Georgia 2020 election interference case against former President Donald Trump and one other count against allies...
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., predicted that Americans will be “shocked” and “appalled” when lawmakers release their interim report on the assassination attempt on former...
Former President Donald Trump declared on Thursday that he would not participate in another debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, who signaled that she...
A surge in Haitians causing havoc in Springfield, Ohio, will be met with a surge in law enforcement. Beginning Wednesday, Republican Ohio Governor Mike...
A wireless audio earring company responded after rumors spread that Kamala Harris wore an earpiece during Tuesday night’s presidential debate against Trump. Social media...
On Wednesday afternoon, clips and photos of President Joe Biden donning a red “Trump 2024” hat in front of firefighters in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, —...