Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” recently made disgusting allegations against Laura Loomer and President Trump, claiming that Loomer, 31, “looks like his...
A small-town bakery in a key swing state is using cookies to add extra sweetness and competition to the upcoming presidential election. Lochel’s Bakery...
IRS investigators Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler, who blew the whistle on Hunter Biden’s tax crimes, filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit Friday against...
ABC has denied Vice President Kamala Harris was given advance notice of questions ahead of her debate showdown with former President Donald Trump. “Absolutely...
Springfield, Ohio residents have alleged Haitians in their town are “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to...
A softer side of former President Donald Trump, rarely self-promoted or given attention in the press, was unexpectedly brought to the foreground after a...
Tuesday night’s presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris has predictably spawned several viral moments dominating the news cycle...
CNN faces a defamation lawsuit over a 2021 story centered around the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal and a recent ruling could expose financial secrets as...
Anyone who watched the presidential debate hosted by ABC News on Tuesday knows that the moderators were biased and repeatedly fact-checked Trump while letting...