Viewers hoping that former President Donald Trump would engage in one final war of words with Vice President Kamala Harris were left disappointed by...
Zachary Apotheker, the Border Patrol whistleblower who appeared in James O’Keefe’s film titled, “Line In The Sand” received a memo from US Customs and...
President Joe Biden is considering issuing government identification (ID) cards to border crossers and illegal aliens who are set for release into American communities...
Irish leaders joined The Netherlands and Canada in cracking down on farmers with grueling carbon emissions cuts. Farmers in The Netherlands have been protesting...
A fast-moving brush fire near Yosemite National Park exploded in size Saturday into one of California’s largest wildfires of the year, prompting evacuation orders...
Bio-weapons are being developed that use specific DNA to target and kill individuals through their medical profile, a Democrat member of the U.S. House...