The Secret Service whose reputation has deservedly taken a nosedive this summer shoves regular Americans aside so Jill can go purchase another dress.
Notice the woman doing the voice over is unphased by secret service yelling at and being aggressive with citizens and reporters.
— Dr. Theo 🇺🇸 (@Tedlinknews) August 26, 2024
Out of the roadway! MOVE! NOW!
Ever since Joe Biden quit his presidential reelection campaign and handed the reins over to his unaccomplished vice president, Kamala Harris, he has virtually disappeared from the world stage even as major conflicts continue to rage in the Middle East and Ukraine. One wonders, while Joe languishes at the beach, who exactly is running the country?
The president has been real “busy”:
President Biden declared ending the war in Gaza to be his top goal to achieve before the end of his term, yet he has gone from one vacation to another as the Middle East becomes increasingly volatile.
Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday, July 21. Since then, he has gone on two vacations and has spent every weekend either at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, or the presidential retreat at Camp David, according to White House pool reports dating back to July 21.
Now for another NINE-day vacation in Delaware.
Taxpayers are spending millions of dollars on planes and helicopters and motorcades and Secret Service to ferry POTUS Biden and his family all over the country on this endless vacation.
Do none of them have a job?— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) August 26, 2024
We’re in a dangerous time, when we don’t seem to have a functioning commander-in-chief. Our enemies are fully aware that our compromised, permanently off-duty president is not up to the job. Meanwhile, it’s fun to poke fun at Kamala Harris’ endless cackling and laugh-out-loud word salads, but on a more somber note, she has consistently proven that she is not ready for the position. No foreign leader is going to take her seriously; Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping are probably laughing in their boots at the thought of any confrontation with her. As clear-eyed, cold-hearted realists, they are more than aware that simply repeating “joy” and “happiness” does not a foreign policy make.
The Democrats, led by their sniggering standard-bearer Nancy Pelosi, have engineered a coup, ousted a sitting president, and installed their preferred candidate. They may be craven and devious, but they either purposefully or by accident forgot to account for one thing: we need a competent leader in the White House during these dangerous times.
It never stops, does it? This administration has been figuratively pushing everyday citizens “out of the way” since the 2020 coup.
Maybe This Nation will wake up when they drop a nuke on Washington DC and every major city in America or heck they don’t even need to do that they could just send thousands on top of thousands of our enemy troops in and just completely take over!
It’s coming Howie
Less than 2 months
Chinese and Russian Ships line our coasts already!!!
Enjoy it now you elder abusing b**ch! You’ll be out of the White House soon and there better not be any curtains missing! We’ll know when we see you wearing them!
Are you all looking at this wrong? A lot of people today do not move, no matter how nice you tell them, and in most cases they have to be pushed out of the way when there is no time to say pretty please or just don’t listen.. It is very dangerous when Presidents decide to just do things on a whim. Let me say first I am NOT a Biden fan nor voter. He is a Communist Dem and should be kicked to the curb now with Harris. I am talking from the SS doing their job. There is always some crazy person willing to make a name for themselves and take out a President When a President take a 2 week vacation in their multi-million home it does attract tourists to see and maybe get a handshake. With the SS on the side of Dems they will do a better job protecting him then Trump. So expect to be pushed and moved out of the way.