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Peter Doocy Tells the Truth About Viral Biden Videos After White House Meltdown

Fox News senior correspondent Peter Doocy fact-checked the White House on Tuesday for claiming President Joe Biden is the victim of “cheap-fake” videos.

On Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre accused “right-wing” media of circulating “cheap-fake” videos of the president that show him appear to freeze up or wander off during public events while looking mentally confused and frail. The videos are “misinformation” and “disinformation,” Jean-Pierre claimed, evidence the “right-wing” media have a “credibility problem.”

What Jean-Pierre did not include in her diatribe is the fact that one of the videos in question originated with a journalist from the Hollywood Reporter, hardly a “right-wing” media outlet.

But on “Fox & Friends,” Doocy provided critical context to the videos and why the Biden administration is attacking them.

“She referred to ‘cheap-fakes’ and also ‘deepfakes’ while dismissing these clips. But there’s an important difference: A deepfake is if somebody is using AI or some other software to change the things that President Biden is doing or saying. A cheap-fake is just if a clip is cut shorter than they want, or from an angle that they don’t like,” Doocy explained.

“Both of them are the same, though, in that they are both being used as terms to scapegoat as this White House just does not want people to think that the things they see on social media are as they appear,” he added.

Even if the videos lack context the White House wants, Doocy reminded viewers the videos themselves aren’t manipulated.

“There is something to the fact that a lot of these clips are lacking context. That doesn’t mean that the things people see are not happening,” he pointed out.

“These clips are not being manipulated with AI,” he explained. “The thing is: Every video that you see on the internet is in some way edited or clipped unless you’re rewatching an entire livestream of something played back from start to finish. Everything is cut at some point. And White House officials just want the clips to be way longer so that people can see way more context.”

The White House’s assault on the so-called “cheap-fake” videos is probably not a winning PR strategy.

That’s because the scenarios the videos highlight are not isolated incidents; they’ve been happening for the entirety of Biden’s presidency. And it’s probably not a good idea to lecture voters that their own eyes are lying to them.

  • True Patriot says:

    That was some pretty good edit manipulation by somebody showing Obama going over and taking “frozen tundra” Joe off the stage by his hand

  • k says:


    The ads & comments suggest that US President Joe Biden has undermined Israel’s military campaign in Gaza against Hamas.

    (Biden said in 2019 that it would be “preposterous” to withhold military aid from our ally Israel. In 2024, that is exactly what he’s doing).

    (MAY 2024 Biden said he would have Israel’s back, but instead he has stabbed Israel in the back by withholding weapons Israel needs to defend itself.

    Biden is siding with Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah over Israel at a crucial time. It is a blunder of historic proportions that will lead to more death and destruction.

    We need strong leaders who stand up for Israel and for freedom and will defeat terrorism. We need President Trump).

    By Corey Walker, The Algemeiner

    The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) will purchase $50,000 worth of digital ads in key battleground states with the purpose of targeting Jewish voters ahead of the 2024 US presidential election, according to a statement released by the group on Monday.

    The RJC, an organization that seeks to build support for the Republican Party among Jewish voters, claimed it would release new ads underlining what it described as the deteriorating relationship between Israel and the United States during the Biden administration.

    The ads suggest that US President Joe Biden has undermined Israel’s military campaign in Gaza against Hamas, the Palestinian terror group that launched the ongoing war with its Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.

    “As antisemitism spikes to record highs and America’s relationship with our ally Israel continues to reach new lows, the Jewish community is more energized than ever to turn the page from the failures, broken promises, and betrayals by Joe Biden,” RNC chair Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks said in a statement.

    The two ads will be deployed in states considered critical in the 2024 presidential election: Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Michigan. Both ads swipe at Biden over his decision to pause offensive arm shipments to Israel and suggest the president has “stabbed Israel in the back.”

    They also accuse Biden of not being “strong” enough to guarantee Israel’s security and urge voters to support Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president.

    “Biden is siding with Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah over Israel at the most crucial time, a blunder of historic proportions that will lead to more death and destruction,” one of the ads says.

    Biden expressed strong support for Israel following the Oct. 7 onslaught, and since then the US has sent significant amounts of munitions to the Jewish state for its war effort against Hamas.

    In recent weeks, however, he has adopted a much more critical posture toward Jerusalem, culminating with his decision earlier this month to withhold sending certain weapons to Israel due to disagreements over Israeli military operations in Gaza.

    In the months following Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attacks on Israel, Republican politicians have attempted to capitalize on the growing tension between Democrats and Jewish voters. On May 9, Trump lambasted Jewish supporters of Biden.

    “If you’re Jewish, and you vote for him, I say shame on you,” Trump said.

    Ammiel Hirsch, a rabbi of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed last week warning Democrats not to take Jewish voters for granted.

    “American Jews increasingly feel politically homeless. Liberal Jewish voters consider President Biden a longtime friend. At the same time, they are troubled by the growing influence of anti-Israel forces in the Democratic Party,” Hirsch wrote.

    In his final statement before passing away earlier this year, former US Senator and Democratic Party vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman similarly warned Democrats and Biden about the political danger of turning against Israel.

    “We are here to say that you can no longer simply count on our vote just because Jews traditionally have voted Democratic. We are here to say you must earn our vote,” the joint statement read.

    “We want to continue to support Democratic candidates, but you need to know that if you abandon Israel in order to garner the support of anti-Israel extremists within the Democratic Party, it will be difficult for us to support Democrats who are on the ballot this November.”

    Lieberman, an ardent supporter of Israel, was the first Jewish candidate on a major party presidential ticket in the US.

  • JB says:

    As they say, cameras don’t lie.

  • Tacitus Kilgore says:

    If they aren’t real then we’re being duped and Biden is faking it. That’s plausible because that way we wouldn’t be so surprised when the Commiecrats suddenly withdraw Obiden and install their new leader.

  • John sweet says:

    What we all have seen proves Biden’s cognitive and physical decline made evident by his appearance on TV that can not be changed or lied about we see it everyday he appears on camera!



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