During a recent episode of The Charlie Kirk show, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz discussed the likelihood of joining the legal team of former President Trump (who he’s represented before), as well as the chances of a Trump conviction.
Kirk asked, “If you were personally called by President Trump to join his legal team, is that even something you’d entertain?”
“Well, I have a policy of only representing somebody once, and so I’m not his lawyer, Dershowitz said. “But I would certainly be happy to participate in the court of public opinion, I don’t think I could get this case dismissed so easily.”
Dershowitz, a well-known American lawyer and legal scholar, represented Trump during his first impeachment trial in 2020.
“I don’t think that if you had the best lawyers in the history of the world, Abraham Lincoln and John Marshall, a New York City judge would dismiss this case because that New York City judge’s life would be over,” he said.
The law professor then made a bold prediction about Trump’s indictment.
“I think he probably will be convicted by a New York jury who voted for Bragg and voted to get Trump. It will be reversed on appeal. It will never be affirmed all the way up to the Supreme Court.”
You’re a demonRAT aren’t you?
for a misdemeanor???? get real, no nigger can turn laws into whatever they want