Viewers hoping that former President Donald Trump would engage in one final war of words with Vice President Kamala Harris were left disappointed by...
Zachary Apotheker, the Border Patrol whistleblower who appeared in James O’Keefe’s film titled, “Line In The Sand” received a memo from US Customs and...
Kamala Harris encountered some unexpected pushback during her 60 Minutes interview after being asked to explain her economic policies, causing her to fall flat...
Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton has distinguished himself as one of the most consistently superb Republican representatives in major media settings over recent months, effectively...
While mainstream polling has Donald Trump and Kamala Harris “essentially tied” across seven key battleground states, betting markets – which can be more accurate...
ABC News host George Stephanopoulos, a lifelong Democrat who worked in the Clinton administration, threw a fit during an interview over the weekend that...
President Trump revealed new details about his first assassination attempt during his second rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, including how his son Barron found out...
Tropical Storm Milton is now expected to become a major hurricane before it makes landfall on Florida’s west coast, according to the National Hurricane...